Hey everybody! I know I haven't posted for awhile, I've been really busy with school these past few weeks. I recently finished a research paper for my English 100 class here at WKU and I'd really like to share it. Enjoy! Any Given Sunday…….and Thursday: Calling for the abolishment of TNF games The National Football League (NFL) has been implementing primetime slots for marquee matchups since the creation of Monday Night Football (MNF) in 1970 and Sunday Night Football (SNF) in 1987. These programs drew high ratings for the NFL week in and week out. These games were also practical times for the players. The players had as much time to rest after a hard-fought football game if they were playing on SNF or MNF and got to play under the bright lights, so it was a win-win for everyone. Ten years ago, the NFL changed this formula by implementing Thursday Night Football (TNF) games which were only held some weeks at first. Today, however, TNF...
Hello Everybody! I am Nick Dornoff, I am currently a freshman at Western Kentucky University and this is my first personal blog. "Nick Knack" will mostly consist of my favorite items from the world of entertainment from Comics to Movies and everything in between! Enjoy!