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Top Ten Movies of 2017

I know this list is a little late, but I don't care. Unfortunately, there are a few films I did not get to see that could've made my list such as  The Disaster Artist, Lady Bird  and The Shape of Water . Keep in mind that this is my opinion and not the definitive list for best films of the year. Enjoy! Some honorable mentions are  Spider-Man: Homecoming, Wonder Woman  and  The Lego Batman Movie . 10.  Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri This is one of the most well-acted films I've seen this year with powerhouse performances from the entire cast. Frances McDormand will almost definitely earn an Oscar nomination along with her supporting star, Sam Rockwell. The performances are what really make this film as good as it is along with following these compelling characters through their journeys in this dark, thematic and even comical drama.  9.  War for the Planet of the Apes Even though this film's title is rather misleading, the conclusion to Caesar
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Calling for the abolishment of Thursday Night Football

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